Release the version publicly

Once the QA team has greenlighted your build, you can move forward with the public release.

Make certain you have go for publish! Also, avoid starting this process after 4 PM or on a Friday.

1. Merge security PRs on GitHub

If there are unmerged security PRs:

  • Merge them on GitHub and publishing their security advisories.
  • Rebase the build branch that you created on the previous step to remove the merge commits from the security PRs you merged manually before.

2. Merge the build branch

  • Double check your build branch
    • Verify that it contains only the updated contributors list and the new changelog, as well as any fix that was merged during QA validation.
    • The commit named “// Changelog [version]” should be the last one.
      If it’s not, you have probably forgotten to build it again after merging a bug fix. In that case, you will have to build again.
  • Create a Pull Request to merge the branch (if you haven’t done it already), and have it merged.

3. Tag & release on GitHub

Tag the version using git

You can do this step using Git or directly on GitHub on the next step.
  • Check out the commit named “// Changelog [version]”
  • Tag the new version:
    git tag # replace with your version
  • Push the tag:
    git push # replace with your version
    # Alternatively (e.g. if you need to overwrite an existing tag)
    git push origin refs/tags/

Publish the release on GitHub

Create a new Release Draft on GitHub

  • To start, choose the tag that you created in the previous step.

    Alternatively, you can create the tag by picking the Changelog commit that you just merged.
    ⚠️ Make sure you pick the Changelog commit itself, and not the PR’s merge commit!

  • Paste the changelog as a description

    If you’re publishing a version that includes changes from a previous pre-release version (including beta and RC releases):

    • Include a note explaining what other changes are included (Example)
    • Precede the changelog with the title “Changes since beta XX / RC YY…" (Example)

    If you’re publishing a pre-release version:

    • Make sure to add a “Known issues” section (Example)
    • Don’t forget to check the “This a pre-release” checkbox at the bottom of the form

    If you’re publishing a patch version:

    • Write a short intro explaining what the release fixes – especially if it’s a security release! (Example)
  • Upload the new version zip archive (the one that has been validated by QA).
    Remove the build number from the file name to avoid confusions.

If the Changelog content is too long

It’s not unusual to have very long changelogs, especially in minor versions. To reduce its size, we recommend putting it in a collapsable paragraph:

# Full Changelog
<details><summary>Click here to see</summary>
- Back Office:
  - New feature:
    - #xxxxx .....

4. Communicate

Congratulations! You can now update the Release Tracker GitHub issue: tick the “QA” and “Development” boxes and add a comment.

In the past, we used to publish the release note at this step of the release process. Please keep it on hold a little longer and do it after the Update API stream for 1-click upgrade has been updated.